The Final Countdown

Well, we sit here VERY impatiently awaiting the arrival of the little one. I thought for sure it would have happened 2 weeks ago. And here I am, I day away from my due date - big as a house - and not even a tremor! I am so anxious to feel a contraction that any little sensation on my body (even a hangnail) is hopes of some action!
If I don't go into labor by Wednesday, then I have to go in and have a stress test on the baby to ensure all is good. My guess is that they will induce me no later than this upcoming weekend.
Here are some 'not so pretty' nesting pics. It's okay, you can laugh.
You look absolutely beautiful (and ready to pop).... Hope to hear from you soon on your new arrival!
Take Care
Donna (Morse) Anderson
You look so good i wish i had looked as good as you when i was carrying Dylan. I cannot wait for you to come to Tampa so we can see you and the baby oh yea and I hope Scott comes too.. Keep in touch...
Love you, Kimberly (cousin)
You look "lovely"! I can't believe you haven't had the baby yet......Love the picture of Scott putting together the stroller (!). So nice to have a guy who is handy with the tools!
All the best. Love, Terri
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