Saturday, January 21, 2006

week 33

Hey there,
I know, I know.... I am starting this WAY late in the game. Sorry about that, but it's for a couple of reasons.
1) I absolutely hate to write. It is such a daunting task for me
2) Finally figured out how to actually do this Blogger thing.

So, I am 33 weeks now - but by the looks of my belly- I swear I will be going into labor any day now. Joking of course, but I can't even imagine that I can get any bigger. Funny thing, I have gotten soooooo big that I can't even wear pants anymore due to discomfort. So today I went and bought some cute knit dresses to get me through these final weeks.

I had my first strange woman run behind me today to touch my stomach - weird. But generally, it's amazing how many people come up to me and comment on the sex, my looks and give me advice.

T-10 days till Josephine arrives (that's my Mom). Could I possibly be any more excited about that? She is coming to help me get ready (mentally and physically, of course)

more later,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This technical stuff is way over my head!!!!

Let's get real, you can hardly get off your ass to climb a flight of stairs these days, and you could braid the hair on your legs if you could actually see them.... ofcourse you have time to make your own Blogg page! Love it! You look beautiful, can't wait to say hello to the new family addition...


Auntie Sam!

10:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are simply glowing! I can't wait to see you at the shower. Give a hug to Kenny for me. Lots of love, Terri Gerger

10:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O.K. It's time to start packing again. Will be there with bells on....can't wait to see you.....
I bet you are getting bigger by the day.
Hugs and kisses for you and Kenny (and Baby Scott)
Love Mom

12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So....what sounds better.....
Auntie JoLynne OR Tia JoLynne???
Maybe keep it simple - Auntie Jo, Tia Jo or there's always Jo Jo.
I just can't decide! I wish I was there to feel the "big" belly and feel Baby Scott kick, kick, kick. That was so cool. Isn't it time for more photos? Try to zoom in on the braided leg hair, too, what a fashion statement. Love ya sis, can't wait until Feb. 3rd!!!!!!!

7:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am so sorry that I won't be able to make the shower. I WILL be in LA this summer, so I'll get to meet your beautiful baby in person. As for big--you could be the "Fit Pregnancy" cover girl!! You look truly gorgeous. Thanks for keeping us posted!


Cathy (Nenninger)Butler

1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Annette says congratulations! You sure know how to catch up with news with You look fabulous and I am very happy for you. It is never too late for happiness.
love Annette

3:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I think that guy was looking at her leg hair; either that or he was the one that was strangely comfortable talking about preger sex! Seriously, you are an inspiration for "what to wear" when pregnant. Any woman that can be this close to her delivery date, wear heels and not waddle is amazing!



10:03 AM  

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